A Complete Guide to Ubud Open Studios: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Ubud Open Studios invites art lovers, cultural explorers, and the creatively curious to our annual celebration of art in Ubud, Bali.

Discover Ubud's contemporary art scene right from artists’ studios. Imagine an art-filled scavenger hunt where every studio is a treasure trove of creativity. Or an art crawl through studios instead of bars! You get to stickybeak to your heart’s content, ask questions, touch things (try doing that in a gallery!), and be totally immersed in the artist’s inner world.

In 2024, Ubud Open Studios showcased over 50 local and international artists’ studios, inviting attendees to enter their world of creativity and craftsmanship. It's about community—an opportunity to connect, converse, and collect experiences & artworks that resonate.

What’s the best way to curate your Open Studios experience?

We’re SO glad you asked. Preparation, research and more research! Did we say research? With so many studios, art forms, locations and specialities to choose from , it’s really a good idea to spend a few hours looking at the social media of the studios, checking out the Google Map to think about the geography of it all, and planning your one or three day experience so you can maximise your art journey. Don’t forget to visit the main Studio Showcase (more on that below), and read through the digital studio catalog (included with every ticket).

We even have a handy Art Style quiz if you need inspiration or just have no idea what type of art or studios you want to see!

Keep an eye on travel times (especially if you’re heading to any of the congested neighborhoods).

We recommend planning for 5-7 studios per day.

Navigating Ubud and Gianyar (aka the geography lesson)

Ubud is the name for both the village and the sub-district and both are located in the district of Gianyar! So we help you to better plan your journey by creating East, North, West, South and Central zones so you can avoid criss-crossing the district.

We suggest either hiring a car and driver for the day (the driver can then wait with the car when parking is limited or using Gojek and Grab online motorcycle taxis to have the best experience.

With your ticket, you get both a printed map and access to our Google Map to help navigation.

What else happens at Ubud Open Studios?

Besides the actual studio visits, check the program for other events, like talks, demos and workshops. Also save time to explore the Studio Showcase at the Ticketing Hub. The Showcase opens the day before studios open so you have plenty of time to use it to plan your studio curation and pathways.

The Artist talks are open to the public and are always a great way to learn more about Ubud and Bali’s art scene from upcoming and established artists, curators and collectors, art historians and more.

Workshops and demos are an amazing way to deepen your knowledge but getting your hands dirty or seeing a secret process unveiled before your eyes.

Elami Productions