Thank you to our Patrons and Partners.
We deeply appreciate your support.
NuArt for art, culture and nature. An art space established upon the vision of sculptor Nyoman Nuarta. NuArt appreciates history, constantly observes current conditions, and continually strives to contribute to the development of culture.
USK Bali is a global community of artists that practice one drawing at a time, to see the world as visual journal, on sketchbook.
Thank you to our Community Sponsors
Olen Riyanto | Marisse Reyes | Rebecca Giger | Carolyn Tyler | Egor Ershov | Kasia Dethloff
Julia Kuznetova | Francesca Golinelli | Elena Bonometti | Charles Park | Aliff Zulkifli | Larysa Ivanisova
Thank you to our Advisors
Made Griyawan & Wicitra Pradnyaratih
Ubud Open Studios was very fortunate to have two advisors come on board for the first time this year. Made Griyawan & Wicitra Pradnyaratih have generously given us their perspective and input on curation and programming for our 2024 edition. Their shared experience as artists and curators has been invaluable.